Trainee Dues Waiver Program

IEOC Member Trainee Dues Waiver Program

Submit a qualified article for the IEOC Newsletter and receive a complimentary membership the following year. Each year awarding these slots will be on a first come first served basis. Non-trainee members are encouraged to submit but will not receive complimentary dues.

Submitter Qualifications: Must be a current member of IEOC actively working or studying as a resident, intern, student or trainee capacity.

Article Guidelines: Articles qualifying for complimentary membership will be limited to three, one in each category as listed below, in the four quarterly newsletters (up to 16 per year)

Article Categories & Content: Qualifying content includes a case report, member profile, or research review. Articles must be original documents, not pre-published outside of IEOC. These may be co-authored*.

How to secure your placement: Once a trainee is a current member they will contact the IEOC via email to volunteer to write an article in the above categories. A call for interest will be issued the first week of January annually and spaces will be ‘awarded’ on a first-come, first-served, basis. In the request email these members will need to include the article category for which they wish to submit. IEOC will schedule all interested and qualified volunteers in January, for the entire calendar year. Confirmation of placement will be provided by the end of January.  Reminders will be sent 45 days out from publication, articles will be due 30 days prior to newsletter publication.

Individuals who do not submit articles by the 30 day requirement will forfeit their placement for that newsletter and their opportunity for complimentary dues the following year.

Mentor Outreach: To both encourage participation from trainee members and to help expand experience and education, members of the Public Relations committee may reach out to the trainee to mentor them with re-writes or edits as needed. A final copy must be sent to the IEOC 15 days prior to publication. 

Photos: While use of photos may not be required in all cases, IEOC encourages use of visual media when possible. Please send your best 1-4 photos to accompany the article if applicable.

* Co-Authorship is permitted but complimentary dues will be awarded to one trainee per article.

IEOC trainee members who submitted qualified articles for newsletter publication in any given year, will be awarded a complimentary membership the following year. The IEOC will contact these individuals about their dues waiver in December for the following year, to update their contact information and confirm that dues have been noted as updated.

If the IEOC member remains in a trainee position, that individual may volunteer to write a qualifying article again that following year, to continue the complimentary membership.

An open call for submissions opens when announced to members, typically early to mid January. Once renewed, trainee members should email the IEOC office to request that a newsletter article slot be reserved for them. Up to 16 opportunities are available for publication annually for this category of membership and will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis.

These would include one of the following:
1) Case of the Month
2) Member/Mentor Spotlight (write up on your mentor or other IEOC member/colleague).
3) Other (to be reviewed and approved by the committee)

Deadlines for publication:
January 15th - Due January 1st
April 15th - Due April 1st
July 15th - Due July 1st
November 15th - Due November 1st